Monday, June 30, 2008

Golden Apple Comics mixer/signing

Rikki and I will signing copies of The Monocle and Jimmy Specs at Golden Apple Comics in their Pre-Con Showcase & Tribute Mixer on Wednesday, July 23 between 6 and 9pm. 

Ryan at Golden Apple has set up the event on Comic-Con Eve to give smaller artists, writers and publishers a chance to shine a little, given the big show in San Diego has now been more-or-less taken over by Big Hollywood. It's also a chance to honor comic book talent that has passed on in the last year.

There will be food and drink, as well as a chance to see a lot of cool work. Come on down to 7018 Melrose in Los Angeles and say hi!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Ain't It Cool News review

You'll need to scroll down to the "Indie Jones" section of the page, but when you do, you'll find a glowing review of the book from Ambush Bug. 

But if you haven't read The Monocle yet, you might just want to take my word for it because there are a couple spoilers in the review.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

In stores now!

We're now stocked at Meltdown Comics in Hollywood. I'm used to pitching movie scripts, which are so much harder to get people to read. It's just great to hand someone this book, stand back and watch their jaw drop when they see Rikki's art. They're instantly sucked in. The Meltdown guy bought a stack on the spot.

Hopefully, he'll dig the story too, when he gets around to reading it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

My first paying customer!

So, I'm at an event for Hollywood Heritage, and I had a couple copies of The Monocle and Jimmy Specs for some good friends there. I was giving the book to one of them, and the fellow he was with saw it, really liked it, and wanted a copy. I mentioned that the book had only just been printed, and he asked me if I'd sold any yet. I told him I hadn't; I'd given some away to family, etc., but I personally hadn't sold any (Denis might've sold some, he's our business brains and all that). 

It turns out this gentleman is Will Ryan, who in addition to being a great guy/composer/lyricist/and voice actor for tons of wonderful animated films, also bought the first copy of the first issue of American Splendor, depicted here in the Harvey Pekar story illustrated by Gary & Laura Dumm which comes with the DVD of the film:

And I was pretty happy about that! Here's the link to Will's cool site.

...As far as Denis goes, the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. He may have already fled to Mexico, and is living on the rich spoils of our comic whilst I toil away in obscurity. Thanks a lot Denis, you bastard. I'm keeping the $2.50.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The first review

Andrea Speed over at has this to say about our book:

Click above to read the whole, glowing review. 

I'm kind of happy about this. 

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A blurb

Comic book author Philip Clark (Quantum, The Sentinels) has seen fit to offer us our first blurb. Actually, he offered two. The first one is the one we'll probably use:
"The Monocle is a superb homage to the pulp comics of yesteryear, with  a marvelous modern day twist."
But I like the second one better:
"This book is REALLY fucking good."

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Images from The Monocle and Jimmy Specs

It's in the mail

I sent our first giant stack of books out to reviewers, producers and various interested parties today.

So now, we wait...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

An image from The Monocle and Jimmy Specs

R&D Comics presents...

Several years ago, a short filmmaker contracted me to come up with some ideas for his next project. I cranked out about two dozen, one of which was the story of an old, retired superhero and his last stab at redemption. It was one of the least-formed of the lot, but it had tragic grace to it that I couldn't get out of my head. I put it away, hoping to make my own short film someday.

Then, a little over a year ago, I started going to Comic Artists Guild meetings at my local comic shop, the Comic Bug. There was some real talent in the group, but one artist blew my mind. In fact, she blew everyone's mind. There was an elegance to her work that immediately reminded me of my old superhero. I pitched Rikki my half-formed idea. She loved it and immediately started making sketches that had a depth far beyond anything I felt capable of writing. So I pushed myself, not doing what I typically do, which is to fall back on jokes and action when intimidated by emotion.

The Monocle and Jimmy Specs is the result. I don't say this very often, but I'm pretty proud of it.

Now that the book is done, we've started this blog to keep you up on our progress showing it to the world. It might just turn into a study on the characters or it might become a diary of how two of the world's worst self-promoters promote a comic book. Please stay tuned.